Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Alhamdulillah, mau setahun sudah pernikahanku dan suami, hmm I'm thinking about when the time's come, the day where I delivery my baby, I should stop from work
I do love my works and business, but I should choose, better stay at home then focusing in my business thingy
but there's something that I worry about
actually I'm worried that I might be thinking a lot over something, got sensitive over talks, commenting about people, gosh these negative vibes that I hateee because in here might be boring for just stay at home
I hope I can be busy with my business and family so that I don't have time to thinking about the negative vibes...
I learnt a lot from women's who stays at home mostly, they got sensitive, got over thinking about people's comment blablabla
less busy, even though doing house thingy such a laundry, cleaning, ironing, taking care of the children already busy, I've seen many women's still like to talk about people, even gathering make it even worse....
I like for having work, wake up in the morning, going outside, enjoying the nature whilst my husband drop me to work, meeting colleagues, talking about everything about the development of everything than talking about people......

I want positive vibes, busy with my things, until there are no space ever ever for talking about people!!!
I wanna be busy with my things, so that I can keep pray for the good things for everyone in this world, bcause such things as hate, resentment, envious, jealousy, those are negative vibes that should be go awaaayy and destroyed up in the sky.....

sometimes I hate the medsos too
people are hating, but they're still wanna know each other, so funny
from hate it could turned to love he he he
someone says the line between love and hate is just as thick as a paper