Friday, March 30, 2012


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR PUSPITA AWALINA ROCHMATUN, she's my best friend since 6 grade at elementary school till now Alhamdulillah thank's to my Allah :)

So I sent her a birthday message at twelve o'clock, just now
ihiiy she must be happy in her twenty!
I just remembered the 1st time I see her introduced by her father when she was a new student in our school that was funny with her hair and wore the tanktop of PUCCA!hahahaha
and at the same time I wore a white hijab with teddy bear things =____=

okay, so do I'm going after her too i.Allah in this year of course oh God I'm not a teenager anymore!
I know I've been tried to change my attitude, I mean changed the negative things and to be better and better than before


this photo was taken by her when we're second junior high school
I remember at that time I got a task by made a ....not a poster but like that thing I'm writing the Ayat of At-Tin, ya Pendidikan Agama Islam's subject or we can say religion's subject
I do really remember that time :')
my Allah...that was a good memories...Alhamdulillah

and this photo was taken by me hahaha .after school time or at the weekend I spent my holidays at her house, we always, ALWAYS have a talk by telephone *well at that time we don't have cellphone like now* after maghrib till isyaaa :))
hmm we're about at 1st junior high school

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