Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Alhamdulillah, mau setahun sudah pernikahanku dan suami, hmm I'm thinking about when the time's come, the day where I delivery my baby, I should stop from work
I do love my works and business, but I should choose, better stay at home then focusing in my business thingy
but there's something that I worry about
actually I'm worried that I might be thinking a lot over something, got sensitive over talks, commenting about people, gosh these negative vibes that I hateee because in here might be boring for just stay at home
I hope I can be busy with my business and family so that I don't have time to thinking about the negative vibes...
I learnt a lot from women's who stays at home mostly, they got sensitive, got over thinking about people's comment blablabla
less busy, even though doing house thingy such a laundry, cleaning, ironing, taking care of the children already busy, I've seen many women's still like to talk about people, even gathering make it even worse....
I like for having work, wake up in the morning, going outside, enjoying the nature whilst my husband drop me to work, meeting colleagues, talking about everything about the development of everything than talking about people......

I want positive vibes, busy with my things, until there are no space ever ever for talking about people!!!
I wanna be busy with my things, so that I can keep pray for the good things for everyone in this world, bcause such things as hate, resentment, envious, jealousy, those are negative vibes that should be go awaaayy and destroyed up in the sky.....

sometimes I hate the medsos too
people are hating, but they're still wanna know each other, so funny
from hate it could turned to love he he he
someone says the line between love and hate is just as thick as a paper

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Im a mom

Omg its been 5 months I didnt update any post
Okay I feel happy and grateful and always thankful, Me and my husband did our reception last month in Bogor, we celebrated it with our family, friends, I like aaall the decoration, foods, argh thank you so much for the WO in Bogor
A bit sad bcause we only back to Indonesia for obe month, spent time with our son, and he still stay in Indonesia until he graduate from elementary school, then he’ll stay with us in Saudi hehehe
I’m happy that I got a son from my husband, I pray that you’ll grow up and be sholeh ♥️

Now I’m expecting the little ones ♥️

Monday, May 28, 2018

Ramadhan Kareem

Ramadhan Careem everyone
Alhamdulillah Allah granted my duaa, this Ramadhan I celebrate it with my family and my husband subhanallah, may Allah accepts all of our prayers ♥️♥️♥️
Ramadhan Mubarak ♥️♥️♥️

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Dulu, tiap ada makanan lebih alias dikasi orang misalnya, selalu mikir, hmm klo dibawa pulang, belum tentu habis, lebih baik kasih ke siapa aja deh...

tapi sekarang?
mau kasih ke orang lain tapi alhasil mikir, suami ntar makan apa yah?

sekarang pola pikir perlahan berubah, ada yang dipikirin lagi, saat masih single mikirin diri sendiri, sekarang?suami deh Alhamdulillah ya Allah

Monday, February 26, 2018

Sunday, February 11, 2018


y Allah, rasanya tiada alasan untuk tidak bersyukur

alhamdulillah ala kulli haaal ya Rabb

mudah2an Allah permudah segala urusan kita semua, aamiin ya Rabb

seneng banget sekarang, dulu sempet sedih karena ilmu yang dimiliki ko ga diasah, berasa disimpen aja ga dgunain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Allah Maha Mendengar, mencoba bisnis sekaligus bekerja daan ilmu2 itu sekarang berguna dan bermanfaat, Alhamdulillah

hehehe jadi malu deh klo inget kemarin2 ngeluh -________-

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

by unknown

Good to read and good to learn ;)

Tangisan. Ternyata tak hanya milik sang kesedihan. 
Di cerita lain kehidupan, tangisan adalah perwujudan
 rasa syukur yang tak mampu terucap lagi dengan kata. 
Karena saat itu, diri telah lebih dewasa, bijaksana dan mengerti, bahwa Tuhan telah sedemikian baiknya.

Menangislah dalam kesyukuran, karena itu lebih disukai Tuhanmu daripada menangis karena beratnya beban dan keputus asaan. "Sungguh, tiada masalah yg diturunkan kecuali sesuai dengan kemampuan kita"

different time the same place

ga kerasa waktu berjalan, sekarang udah sebulan di Riyadh, suasana klo melalui perbandingan menurut individu adalah bener2 jauh berbeda dari 3 tahun persis sebelum gue lanjut kuliah ke tanah tercinta, Indonesia, gue bagi jadi 2 hal

1) lokasi2 utama yang sering dilalui:

SIR = suasana yang bener2 beda, terakhir cuma tau perubahan ada di atas kelas 3 SMA (sekarang) salah satu tembok di dalamnya dibuat pintu dan tangga darurat klo ada kebakaran, dan atap tambahan di halaman. dan beberapa hari atau minggu lalu, basement yang biasa jadi tempat sholat sekarang berubah, direnov yang katanya bakalan dijadikan kelas tambahan, jadi disekat jadi 3 ruang, well berhubung liat di papan ruang TU jumlah anak SIR meningkat jadi 300an, jadilah kurang ruangan, padahal zaman gue sekolah sekitar 200 masya Allah o____o
sholat berjamaah setau gue jadi pindah di halaman sekolah...

KBRI = nothing has change, cuma dari segi kegiatan aja berkurang, berhubung peraturan di Saudi yang ketat, setiap malam Rabu pasti ada kegiatan di KBRI, olahraga. Sekarang uda engga ada lagi.

DQ = engga ada yang banyak berubah

2) peraturan baru di Saudi:

a) baru2 ini ada peraturan dari pemerintah Arab mengenai perubahan hari libur, yang semula Kamis-Jumat, sekarang berubah jadi Jumat-Sabtu, emm, harinya bergeser, tapi bagi orang2 yang ada kegiatan menurut gue bakalan awkward banget ya...soalny bertahun2 lamanya libur Kamis-Jumat dan mendadak berubah, mulai minggu ini...

b) peraturan mengenai jawazat, sekarang buat para ekspatriat di Arab Saudi harus mengupdate identitas mereka, terutama bagi yang illegal, dan yang gue amati selama sebulan disini paling banyak orang2 India, di kedutaan mereka setiap harinya mendadak ramai orang2 yang mengantri, untuk mengurus SPLP dan kepulangan ke tanah air mereka. rata2 banyakan sih orang India..
tak jauh berbeda, begitu juga dengan orang2 Indonesia khususnya TKI/TKW, mereka yang ilegal pun atau yang tidak memiliki data harus membuat SPLP yang sedemikian, gue rasa udah heboh dari media2 yang memberitakan khususnya kerusuhan yang ada di KJRI

klo boleh blang emang itu sebenernya dari warga Indonesia sendiri yang "ngeyel" ga taat aturan, yang berujung akan menuding pemerintah -____-

afterall gue salut banget sama peraturan yang dibuat, dan ketat serta disiplin bagi pemerintah Arab dalam melakoni negaranya selain untuk membangun negara dan warganya, patut dicontoh, untuk hak kepemilikan pun orang asing itu engga bebas, harus dimiliki oleh warga asli, dan ini menurut gue bagus banget klo Indonesia mencontoh, karena memperkaya warga sendiri, yang gue amati banyak sekali perusahaan asing yang menguasai di tanah Indonesia
meski sekarang gue bukan siapa2 dan hanya bisa menyampaikan kata2 di blog ini....

My Graduation

wisuda, momen itu yang paling dinanti bagi setiap mahasiswa/mahasiswi ketika mereka telah dinyatakan lulus oleh kampus mereka, dan berhak menyandang status dari jurusan yang mereka lalui, dari D3 sampai S3...
momen momen yang dinanti dengan harapan masing-masing yang berbeda, ada yang ingin disamperin keluarga, ada yang ingin disamperin sama orang yang disayangi, ada yang ingin dibawakan bunga, ada yang ingin bisa foto bersama orang-orang yang mereka kasihi...

tapi bagiku, momen itu belum bisa kulalui...
ya, harapanku ada yang sama di antara mereka, jauh dari kedua orangtua tentu membuatku sangat menginginkan foto bersama, didampingi kedua orangtua dalam suasana haru bahagia atas apa yang diraih oleh anak mereka selama 3 tahun ini....

itu semua tersendat karena ada urusan berkenaan dengan paspor dan iqamah (KTP) di Riyadh...

aku hanya mampu berusaha "think positive" menghadapi semua dengan kepala dingin, dan mencoba share kepada beberapa teman, ternyata memang ada juga yang diantara mereka meski jarak dengan kampus dekat namun karena sesuatu hal, mereka tidak dapat wisuda....

mama mengatakan "oh nah itu ada temennya juga yang ga bisa wisuda"

bukan, bukan itu masalahnya...
masalahnya adalah aku ingin mengetahui hikmah dibalik ini semua...
aku berusaha menerima segalanya, salah satunya adalah dengan berusaha berpikir "wisuda bukanlah segala galanya"

sebagai manusia biasa, aku cukup kesal kenapa hanya ayahku yang mengurus ini semua, andai aku mampu terjun menghadapi urusan ini, karena berhubung ayah adalah kepala RT, sedang situasi di arab yang semua dominan dilakukan oleh kaum Adam, jadi aku hanya mampu menunggu di rumah dan berharap adanya kabar gembira yang ayah bawa sepulang dari kantor, dan dari hasil urusan tersebut....


I've watched the launched of this film Epic Java, so proud being part of this film
as one of supporters this sent to our home, but in Indonesia, and me?still in Riyadh, oh nooooo
okey I must be patience to waiting this film to come to me, by my brother that bring this to me
dan akhirnya film ini sampai jugaaa ke pemiliknya horeeeeee *dancingteddy*

I got Green Canyon hehe

proud being the part of Epic Java hehe
love the postcard and Epic Java's shirt, bahanny adem, love it soo muchooo

when the film arrived, I watched it for twice, honestly I wanna watch this again on roadshow moment, but I cant bcause I must go to Riyadh hiks but that's okaay, now I can watch it more, more and moreee 
thank you Epic Java's team
so this is about Java's island from East to West Java
YES, for you readers, this film are highly recommended, specially for you who loves travelling, and loves nature, try to explore but before that you must watch this
and I hope people from all over the world can watch this so the more people abroad getting know more about the beauty of Indonesia
anyway, Indonesia already have what world have :)

bcause you are cute

yesterday one of customer come and I love to asked them such as
"what kind of food that you like mam?pasta, salad, sandwich or else?"
instead that so they can make order fast without hesitate :p
and then a girl come, after I asked her order then she give me chocolate of Candylawa, she said
"excuse me, here for you, because you are cute"
hahaha "thank youuu so mucch"
and my friend who stand by me told her "what?you dont give me also bcause I'm not cute?"

That's Family

I'm in love with chocolate croissants lately, there are mood for me to like something for foods
I still remember that I always tell my friends I don't like much for chocolate and wondering why lots of my friends are in love with it...
Now that's hukum alam, hah or shall we call it nature rules?
Everything that you've said someday may reverse back to you...
As I said, I don't like chocolate, now can I say if there's exceptional for nutella?or for croissant? Hahahahaha
And about two days ago I bought 2 box of chocolate croissants which each box had 10 pieces, and in the morning I put it in oven to make it crunchy and melted chocolate inside, nyaammm!!!
Ah I have eldest brother, just call him M, he's unique since he was born, yes he had blonde hair, and it's only him in the family with blonde. It's bcause when he's in mom's tummy, my mom saw a man with blonde hair, and bumbling hahahaha
Back to the story, and I always hide all my snacks from him, bcause whenever he gets hungry, he may searching my food and eat them without guilty, I even push him to make him admit that "yes I eat your snacks" but its hard and in the end he might say "I dont eat it!but my mouth yes!"
Haaaaaaaaa!!!!!annoying brotha!
So today, I put it in the refrigerator which is left by 3 pieces, I think I'll eat it again in the afternoon, buuut I don't know as he back from work, and he's hungry, then without make any sounds he eat it all without my permission!even mom didn't tell me or him that's mine blablabla
That's family, even they're annoyed to each siblings but they are the only one that accept for what you are...


"late post" about EPIC JAVA

Epic Java tahun 2012-2013 uda banyak jadi perbincangan disana sini, dan gue termasuk salah satu yang beruntung, karena bisa ikut nonton pas launching pertama kali di Bandung, 17 Mei lalu, yuhuuuuu

nah tau Epic Java awalnya juga dari k Embi sendiri atau biasa orang kenal mas Febian nih, eaaa, yang kebetulan juga kakak senior dulu pas masih sekolah, inget banget waktu itu tahun 2012 dimana saat itu dia masih dalam proses penggarapan video Epic Java,

tentang Epic Java dari awal liat teasernya aja udah WAOW, meski pas awal pertama kali liat blm paham, karena jujur emang ini pertama kali liat film non-naratif, dan sepenuhnya landscape, belum pernah sama sekali nonton film dngn gendre timelapse....

alhasil liat karya2nya ka Embi yang lain, paling favorit sih Ngarekam Bandung, soalny paaas banget dari videonya plus lagunya itu PAS aja, oke balik ke Epic Java, setelah melihat teaser2nya yang paling favorit juga yang Priangan, diantara Surya dan Sakral soalnya sekali lagi PAS juga sama lagunya, bikin greget..
dari situ jadi update liat2 sampaaai pada puncakny 17 Mei lalu, komentarnya sih soal Epic Java ituuu pengen nonton lagi deh :D

selama 30 menit itu ga berhenti yang woaah, kereen gilaaak! ini ngeliat videonya aja uda WAH banget, EPIC, ga nyesel bdeh nontonnyaa, ini hasil rekaman lho, apalagi yang ngerekam pastinya ngeliat langsung ya, terlebih film ini dengan tema Javadvipa itu bener2 konten yang pas, ka Embi yang bsa ngambil gambar2nya dengan EPIC, dan ka Galih yang bisa mengkonsepkan videonya dengan alur yang tepat, dan ka Denny membuat lagu di Epic Java juga bagus

daan belum sempet ngobrol banyak juga ama ka Embinya, cuma foto aja nih soalny lagi banyak dikerubungin hehe tapi selamat lho kak, sukses selalu yah
sempet ngobrolnya malah jadi sama Jebraw, Naya, and ka Denny :D

balik2nya dapet goodie bag dari teh kotak, daan dapet ini jugaa postcard, sticker EPIC JAVA yippiiiee (kak klo boleh request pengen dong dapet kaosnya EPIC JAVAAAA) hehehe

aand cant wait buat nunggu hasil karya ka Embi yang lain, sukses selalu, plus plus buat tim Embara Films :D

we're too busy growing up and forgot that they're also getting older

Rubbing the cheeks of my parents are my happiness
while rubbing my mom's cheek, I asked her "how old are you now?"
My mom said nearly 60's...

suddenly deeply I feel hurt, sad,
"oh no, God my parents getting older"
"while I rubbing her cheek I even feel sad, really soft, and pinchable and adorable"
"I love them"

"thank you for sending me to them, adorable angels, lovable, and so much caring"

Hello AugusT


People were saying back then to go back to the country where we belong to...

Hmm but not all the people got the same passion, right?

I was thinking about that before I start to work here, but then maybe because of Qadarullah (something that already written by God) I have to be here....

It's annoying me when some said ah it's hard for woman to be here, hard to blablabla and so on...

And... The worst thing when it's about politics...between the countries....

Well, it's okay if it's something bilaterally good, but if it something that makes us yea I know we have to prepare for something that will happen in the future that we don't know...

Hmm that's what makes me think twice...Think a lot...

Scared,afraid,worried, even sad...

But when I give it back to Allah, everything's gonna be okay

before and after

been 10 years I'm blogging hehehe
since 2008 until now and hope keep blogging
I've always wanted to write about the day that I've been through, specially when I went to Cairo for my trip on last first month of 2017, but but but I always ended up just like check in the blog to make sure that I update it every month lol
rarely touching my laptop since I'm not into it, use it just when I have task in my college life or something important, other than that, I just keep my laptop updated ._________.

even though my brother keeps telling me
"OMG Tika, you've bought the gaming laptop but you only use it for FB's game?blablabla"
then I'll  be like "oh yea I shud play the video games like my cousin, but I dont understand and I'm not yet into it"

ah the unique things that I start to liking things that I dont before, yea such caramel, coffee, strawberry, ergh maybe I'm bored tee hee

and now my colleagues asks me about is it good with my marriage life, oh yea Alhamdulillah which favor of God that you deny? (I answer them that)

the different things after I got married is I'm thinking about another one now, yes my husband.
and before I was thinking only about myself, doing nothing, whenever I reached home, changed the clothes and checking my phone, eating and sleep, I can say I feel bored lol

but still thank you Allah, Alhamdulillah for everything xoxo

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Me and my R

OMG, now we’re in 2018 ♥️
Can’t believe it, how time flies, ah feels like yesterday that I’m graduated from high school and facing the college life etc, but nooow I’m a wife of someone that I love masya Allah, Alhamdulillah all because of Allah ♥️
I’m a mom too ♥️
On the day we got married, I remember that before that I told him “inshaa Allah” and put faith in my heart to Allah, I believe that Allah’s the greatest of all, masya Allah, thank you Allah