Friday, March 5, 2010

my lovely iPod, please don't restore my files

of course I have a problem with it
well my iPod asked me to restore it, nooooooooooooooo
if there isn't any files in it, of course with easily I'll do it ><
there's sooo manny files, specially videos, photos aaand so on T______________T

Dear my Allah, please give me a chance to take my files in iPod, after that I'll restore iPod without sadness and happily, please ><

coz we can't have a moment without photos or videos, even tough we have it in our mind....
annndd, I have my files of this class, chemistry, physics, we called its BSE (buku sekolah elektronik)

hufft once again, I hate to say "if only" 
I'm happy that yesterday my friends, Adit, help me how to resolve it, but still can't ><
and he will find another way to resolve it, thank u dude ;)

so, before I can't get it files back, I won't easily restore my iPod ! ! !