Tuesday, April 3, 2012

crowded in 1 minute

I've been doing my journalism subject's exam on midterm
u know what 14 soal essai semua dan emang sengaja dosennya nyetel sedemikian rupa biar mahasiswanya ga sempet nengok kanan dan kiri bahkan melirik, good job thanks :))
but what can I do, I got a seat right in front of the lecturer's desk OMG.....
gonna face the truth till up this semester :))

daaaaaan lebih bagusnya lagi waktu yang seharusnya 2 jam jadi 100 menit dimana berarti dari jam setengah dua sampai jam 3 *straight face*
wee hoo tanpa basa basi langsung coret-coret apa yang ada di otak inspirasi dan yang ingat saat itu keluariiinnnn semuanya tulisss pokoknya berusaha tenang satu per satu soal2 kujabanin ampe beress meski ada satu yang sempet terlewat untungnya ga pake jelasin wala contoh, cukup sebutkan fiuh

sampai pada detik2 mendekati batas waktu ujian, tapi masih rada setengah jam lagi
the lecturer went outside for 1 minute, and the class suddenly became noisy hahaha u know what they did till the lecturer opened the door suddenly became reposeful *krik krik krik*

I dont know why I enjoyed that situation even just 1 minute, I laughing to hear that even I dont look behind what's going on but I know from the voices hihi =3
sometimes I love the unique situation like that, enjoyed looking at the people were busy with themselves... the colour of life, I wonder what about if the people were doing the same things?even all over the world? o____o
Oh my Allah thank you for all that u've given to us that people may doing their activity were individually =3
what a day!

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