Saturday, November 12, 2016

Keep praying

It's okey for some time I feel tired
It's okey for some time I feel l need me time
It's okey for some time I feel bored

Life's not about happiness all the time
Life's not about sadness all the time
Life's not about me all the time
Life's not about you all the time

Sharing is the best way
So that we know life is a circle
Life's round they're cycling 
So we know that rainbow doesn't mean have to be appeared after rain
The rainbow is in ourselves 
Sometimes we put it in our lives and mostly God is the one who put it and even more beautiful and colorful 

Let's keep praying that may God always protect us and keeping the good raimbow in our lives so that we know Allah always be with us and loving us

Good morning ❤️

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