Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Health is everything

know what that I've been struggled about a week
so it's started from last Wednesday
on that day I've got slept about just 4 hours, I don't know I cant sleep again after 10 am.
so I've decided to go to Icha's house, but because I cant reach her by phone, I canceled and about 2 pm I went to campus and have a meeting of OBSCURA
about 4 pm and I want to go home, I have a bad feeling, I don't know I just want to go back home and take a rest, but my brother Adi called me and asked me to eat together with Dini at Pak Ewok
ok, after waiting for them about 1 hour, then we ate, we laughed etc
we went home about 7, on my way home I feel dizzy, I just wanna lay in bed n sleep
after that, well as I think before, change clothes n sleep
but who knows, at that night my brother got fever, and I got dizzy
in the morning I'm sweating, my head just got more dizzy, I can't stand it, and I've got a fever too =_____=
ohh this one that I HATE HATE HATE

I feel sorry to my brother, Ansorie who should take care both of me and my brother Adi.
phew, that must be tiring, rite? :(
i'm sorry and really thankful to you bro
and after that day, Adi getting better, me too for my fever, but I can't get rid from my dizzy errr I just want get my health back!
so Ansorie bring us to the clinic to check up
the doctor said u should take a check on the lab, I'm afraid about db

after that day in the midnite....
my brother Adi getting better already, but I, I can't sleep, I've got migrain on that midnite, I cried a lot, I took  a panadol, Ansorie can't see me like this so he took me to the hospital
the thing that I hate is they take a check my blood grr
I hope there's nothing happened,
but the doctor just back and said u should stay at the hospital u've got a dbd symptoms
WHAT????oh I hope I'm just dreaming and wake up but no, this is REAL
no this is what I don't want
oh I just want to go back home!
but I can't
alhasil infus dll, begitu dianterin ke kamar d rs, aku diantar pake kursi roda dan aku pasang wajah se BT BT nya manusia, if it have a emoticon, like this > =_______________=
jangan lagi ya Allah, AMIN

so I'm about 3 days at the hospital, sempet nangis n stress waktu hari ke - 2 trombosit uda bagus, klo naik uda bole pulang, tapi ternyata belum, beuh
Ansorie and Adi were waiting for me in the hospital, oh i'm so grateful that I have my brothers here to take care of me, well hiks thank u Allah :')
aku mikir, hari kebahagiaanku adalah ketika aku terlepas dari infus itu
aku terus berdoa, y Allah pengen cepet pulang ke rumah dan cepat sehat
aku muak dengan gerobak makanan rs, muak dengan suasana disana

dan saat2 yang kutunggu datang
ku sembuh dan keluar, ku tersenyum sumringah, tersenyum sangat bahagia, aku tak berhenti mengucap Alhamdulillah, bersyukur sekali kepada Allah telah memberiku kesehatan :')
engga lagi deh males makan atau makan tidak teratur, REALLY I HATE MOSQUITOS!
nyampe rumah jadi ngerasa asing, jadi berasa adaptasi lagi, aku engga sabar ingin segera masuk kuliah dan bertemu dengan teman2, melihat wajah ceria teman2 dan dosen2 yang mengajar dengan harapan kelak mahasiswa2 mereka sukses dan berhasil meraih cita2 mereka semua
tiap malam aku membayangkan betapa beruntungnya teman2 yang saat itu lagi sehat dan sedang tidur terlelap menunggu esok hari untuk kuliah
dan sekarang Alhamdulillah aku sehat dan bisa kembali ke aktifitas semula, hmm senangnyaaa :)
ya Allah semoga aku dan keluargaku, dan semua umat mukmin di seluruh dunia selalu diberi kesehatan, amiin allahumma amin 
dan tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kesehatan adalah segala2nya, harta terindah, anugerah yang patut disyukuri, terima kasih ya Allah :)

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