Tuesday, January 12, 2016

All about You

Makin pasrah sama Allah itu menyenangkan, apalagi tiap ketemu hal2 negatif di sekitar yang bisa memunculkan kekhawatiran, dan kalimat andalan yang bisa dibilang anti-worried, dimana tiap mengucap kata itu di dalam hati langsung lega, rasa khawatir itu seakan ditendang keluar "get out" adalah "ah ada Allah ini" atau "ah ga ada yang kebetulan ini"

Terlebih doa doa kecil yang langsung dikabulkan, ketika bisa mensyukuri dan merasa sangat berarti semisal dari hal makanan, mungkin bagi kita biasa aja, but who knows di mata Allah, hambaKu dikasih rejeki segitu mampu bersyukur, bagaimana jika Kuberi lebih?

So all good things are worth waiting for, memang berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi when it turns about the bigger thing that I asked, it must be longer for waiting, at the end it just the matters of time...

I do really curious what will happen next, maybe if I asked "ya Allah, what's your next plan for me?I may dont know yet because tomorrow's mystery, but if I can ask, may You make my life better than today" I believe at the same time Allah's smiling at me and say "You will be happy if You know what I've prepared for you"

Maybe I cried today, or maybe I nagged and can't accept the truth, but I believe one day I'll laugh to my past
One thing that make me tired is I have to deal between the logic and the heart that what it wants, the ego, the logic says "Cmon Tika, you just have to accept the truth!" The two different things called "you've think too much"

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