Monday, November 23, 2009


Jakarta :

otw to Jakarta :
huaa so many clouds here, so I take photos of it, God, many thankful to U, U give me a normal eyes so I can enjoy all what I see T___T Alhamdulillah >< You are so perfect God, more than PERFECT :')
Wednesday afternoon
Farah : tika, kayakny yang pake jaket merah k2 kamu deh
Tika : hah?mana?ko farah duluan yang liat?tika aja adeknya malah liat belakaangan :))

after saw my brothers
tika : huaaaaa anaang abaang *kiss them* muaacchh how happy I am, to meet them xD after about 6 years I didn't meet them
anang n abang : hehehehhe

I don't know why after heard they sound, it's funny, so that's why I laughed so much, and it makes them laughed too, huahahhaha xD
so we talked together, and specially about my college, well my 1st brother said that it's better 4 me to take university in Riyadh.

humm not 4get, to take a narsist togetherrrr aahahahhahaha xD
how happy I am, thank u God, at least I can meet them again Alhamdulillah :)
oiaa so I gave them stuffs from my mom
and when I must go to makassar, they left me, huaaa let's meet again after I came back from makassar :D

Makassar :

otw to Makassar :
sebelumnya beli mam dulu, eh karena buru2 tika tu g sempet makan tu roti, alhasil mam lanjut di pesawat, udah gtu tidur bntar, dbangunin dsuruh makan lagi ma pramugarinya makanan dari pesawat huahahahhaa ywd skalian buang sampah campur ma talenan tadi pas udah abis :D
kepsek bilang ckckckck huehehehe ^^V abisan daripada buang sampah sembarangan hehehe :D 
dkasi permen FOX huaaa I love it xD

wednesday night :

huaa it's so hot, errr, we arrived there at 8 at night, humm and we went to Dheeta's house, she is huda's cousin, if it's not wrong that's mean right :P
I went to the bathroom, and they tell us, at 9 the lamp will off about 3 hours *huaaa and we are going fast to take a bath*
tika : oi cpetan mandi, tar mati lampu
anak2 yang lain : iaa huaaaa cepetan!!
tika : nyah, tar pas lagi mandi, klik, waaa hahahhahhaha
tannya : iah huahahahha oia ka aku ada cerita

tannya : waktu tu temen aku lagi mandi, terus aku takut2in hayoo cepetan mandinyaa tar mati lampu lhooo
temen tannya : (tidak menggubris)
tannya : eeh benran mati lampu akhirnya tu temen aku keluar g pake apa2 ke ruang tamu, huahahahaaahaha kan gelap2 gtu, ywd aku kasih handuk, aduuh kasian banget dah

I laughed so much to heard her story, y ampuun kasian banget, dari boong jadi beneran tannya ada2 aja si.
buuut, it already 9, the lamp weren't off huaa we feel dibuungin, pas jam 12 baru d mati lampu :)
I sent him a message about my number, and he didn't replied till I sent my sister to told him afraid he didn't got my message.I went to teras, sat there, hear our song, Never Say Never
I slept b4 outside, I mean dsamping teras, and the door was opened, if it wasn't opened, how hoooot err I bath of sweating huaa T___T

but, the mosquitos was bite mee, huaaa on my legs, there's 4 of it bites, how crazyy mosquitos huhuhu T___T
I stretch them, so I moved to the room, at 3 morning, manda n tasya still awake, they lil got surprised when I came in, the lamp and the fan were on, huaa how happy DUSSHH so I sleep away ZzZzZz

thursday, 2nd day :
Friends : tikaa, k tikaaa so much sounds called me to wake me up, c'moon it's subuh now
me : omg, I'm not pray ZzZzZz
till Huda got wake me up
huda : k atikah, ayo bangun dminta p masykur latian
tika : hiee?? *100 watt =))* ok lemme brush my teeth first huaaahhhm -_-

so I do exercises of dance with huda
in the afternoon we hang out together, to the beach, and pass Trans Studio.
at the beach we saw a couple, they are fight, huahahaha how sweet =))
so tasya did a lipsync to them
the girl : aah kamu jangan sentuh aku aku sebel sama kamu
the boy : sayang, kamu jangan gtu dong, aku g bermaksud

huahahahahhahahahha we laughed together, and huda's aunt said
"dsini banyak yang pacaran"

well that place is beautiful hauhahaha there's a lamp lil big, and it written LOVE, maybe when night's come it will turned on whaaw so romantic :)) oh it place called Akarena :D

friday, 3rd day :
humm at 12 we must check in at Singgasana Hotel :D
but, b4 go there we must go to Fajar to do an interview about this SILN and our school ^^
after that we go to Singgasana, while we arrived there, we looked at another students and it makes our heart beating, and more makes us have a spirit to be win xD

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