Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 to 2010

I can't believe it, well believe it or not :))

I just feel like yesterday I celebrate the new year of 2009, and now?

I can remembered how I celebrate the new year of 2001....
at that time, we all celebrated in Embassy, how cool
I saw the moon, there's sumthing that like circle around the moon, ergh how I explained it but it was so beautiful really...
 and now we will going to 2010 ><
the special thing is him...
thank God u meet me with him, I don't know what will I do know when I'm not meet him :D

so what's the plan ?
me and my friends of Dulasmangka already made a plan that we will celebrate it in Sofy's house :D
after bimbel, n dunno we will stay 1 night between at Sofy's house, or Icha's house or Tasya's house?
humm, my sister's here :D
I called her Unni ^^
so what a great time, that I'll celebrate the new year with her and my Dulasmangka...
wish that I could celebrate it with him too, amiin

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