Saturday, January 9, 2010

my happiness

I should posted this post yesterday, yeah just because I'm back home at 23.00, that's my time to sleep, so I decided to post this today :D
ok, what I want to tell u here is about :

in the aftanoon, my sweetheart sent me message told me that he met my brother and my cousins afta came back from kudu, so they gathered together and have fun --"
that's all makes me jealous, coz at that time I'm at school helped my sister
afta that my father and my sista asked me to go to batha nyam =3
to take a look the handphone that I want to :D
I'm in love with sony, so I wanna keep buy with sony's brand, well even tough they are made in China, it's ok if it has a good quality :D

so, after isya we went there together, and try to find the store with a good penjual :))
at last we met the good penjual, ramah and so on, I have 2 choice :

at first I wanna like Asa's cellphone :

and my sister was took a look in websites, there are 2 choice :

first :

i like it style, and it cost SR. 600, at first when I look by pic I like to, but when I hold it, I don't think so :D
and the 2nd : 

yeah this is my choice, my father also like it, but it cost SR. 1.150 with discount aka negotiation so SR.1.100, so when I took a look on it, I saw a bond of it :O
I told my father to buy it later, but....
my father just pay it at that time ><
my God, I was surprised, I can't believe it, and I told my father "ayah, tika bilang g usah, knp sekarang?tika g maksa ko, g usah aja yah, mahal"
but my father just smiled and said "gpp, kau kan mau ujian, tar kepikiran terus lagi"
and I said "engga ko, tika juga g terlalu berharap banget mw beli hp ini, kan bisa klo beli pas abis ujian, sebagai hadiah kelulusan"
well, sepanjang perjalanan nyari sayur dkk, tika dieeem aja, and all I can do is just took a look of it cellphone :') , really I am, dunno what to say, ayah baik banget, Alhamdulillah, tika bersyukur, tika dapet hp itu dengan mudahnya, gak nyampe 1 bulan tika mw hp ini, tapi udah dapet, y Allah, lagi2 rencana Allah itu indah....
tika mikir, ayah ngirim duit wat 2 k2 tika yang d indo, bayar rumah, bayar sekolah tika, belum lagi klo tika kuliah. 1000 klo wat hp lebih baik yang lain deh. tapi yah mw gmana lagi, my dad said :
"tika kan belum pernah dbeliin hp yang bener2 baru"
"pernah ko tu hp bunting, apa serinya lupa, 800 real"
padahal sebelumnya tika bilang, tika mw hp yang 400 ato 600 real aja deh, y Allah, makasi y Allah, alhamdulillah, tika mw nangis saat itu juga, tapi g bisa, malu juga tar orang2 batha pada ngeliatin bengong.
y Allah, sayangilah kedua ortu hamba, semoga dari k2 tika yang ptama ampe tika sukses semua, biar bisa membuat mereka tersenyum bahagia, dan membalas jasa2 mereka selama ini, amiiin :')

I love them y Allah x')
they always give me many supports...I don't know what will I be without them...
and you, my love, thank u for ur supports too, you fill my days....
y Allah, apa yang kurang dariMu?

I have my family, I have my parents
I have my lovely friends
I have someone who loves me
I can eat as I want
I can do what I want to
I can go to school and studying
Alhamdulillah y Allah T________T

y Allah, wish that people will feel the happiness like what I feel, amin :)

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