Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ulangan Akhir Semester 1 :D

ahahahha mantap judulnya lengka, padat and JELAS :D
ok, this week I must study well for my final exams of this semester, and I must study well for national exams too, pray me x)

ok, today I feel well, alhamdulilah ^^
and after done exams today, I went to my cousin's house to see my Aisya, waa I miss her so much, and after miss miss an I wanna go home, so I called my father, I waited there till 1.40, when I realized that time was his time to going home xD
aaaahh I'm so happy, so I took a look the road, finding where the bus Al Rowad xD
and I pray, y Allah, please, I wanna see him, even tough only the bus, it's ok ><
and Allah answered my pray hihihi how glad, well I didn't see him, once again I just saw the bus, but I'M HAPPY <3

and after arrived at home, I kissed my mom, and so on, I laughed coz I bothered my mom while she played ZUMA's GAME hahahahha u know my mom have a good skill on it, I know for refreshing, so I made my mom scared, hoaaa c'mon mom there there *lil scream* makes my mother panic of her game =))

so, I take a photos of myself aka narsis xD
and look at my schedule for tomorrow are Agama Islam (Religion of Islam) and Math
humm now I know, I shouldn't dislike any subjects, at first, I hate math, physics, biology, chemistry, coz it's hard, but now I realized, if I hate them, I know it's always hard for me, so take it easy, and try to not dislike its ^^
when we already think it easy, insya Allah on the future we can pass them with easily, speacially to face them called UAN, so CHEER UP ^^

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